Voucher Booking
Voucher Booking
If you have one of our own vouchers, please get in touch with copy of your Voucher number and one of our team will get back to you with instructions on how to use your voucher.
If you have a 3rd party voucher from a site such as Groupon, Red Letter Days, Buy’A’Gift or ExperienceDays.co.uk, there’s just one extra step for you to take. Drop us an email with your Voucher Number and and security codes, we will then credit the voucher and send you a new Gift Card that you can use to book through our online system.
Got any other questions about using your voucher? Take a look below!
If you have one of our own vouchers, please get in touch with copy of your Voucher number and one of our team will get back to you with instructions on how to use your voucher.
If you have a 3rd party voucher from a site such as Groupon, Red Letter Days, Buy’A’Gift or ExperienceDays.co.uk, there’s just one extra step for you to take. Drop us an email with your Voucher Number and and security codes, we will then credit the voucher and send you a new Gift Card that you can use to book through our online system.
Got any other questions about using your voucher? Take a look below!

Seen something else on the website you like? Want to bring extra people?
Absolutely! Whether you have a Jurassic Watersports voucher, or a 3rd party voucher, your voucher holds a value which can be counted against any other activities you like to look of! If you have a Jurassic Watersports voucher, or you have been credited with a Gift Card in return for your 3rd Party voucher, you can simply choose what you like and book online, using your voucher code as a gift card at checkout and paying any additional balance separately. If you would like to discuss any upgrade options, please don't hesitate to get in touch via Email.
Get in touch now to discuss!

My voucher is about to expire but I can't see any sessions i can make?
The first thing to know is, you do not need to attend a session before your voucher expiry date, you simply need to have booked your session. To put it simply, if your voucher expires on the 30th of April, you can still book a session in June, provided you make your booking before the 30th of April. On occasion, we do have customers with vouchers at the end of the season that will expire before we start activities again. Where possible, we will work with you to extend vouchers when we can. If you would like to discuss a voucher that's expiring soon, please don't hesitate to email.
Get in touch now to discuss!

Seen something else on the website you like? Want to bring extra people?
Absolutely! Whether you have a Jurassic Watersports voucher, or a 3rd party voucher, your voucher holds a value which can be counted against any other activities you like to look of! If you have a Jurassic Watersports voucher, or you have been credited with a Gift Card in return for your 3rd Party voucher, you can simply choose what you like and book online, using your voucher code as a gift card at checkout and paying any additional balance separately. If you would like to discuss any upgrade options, please don't hesitate to get in touch via Email.
Get in touch now to discuss!

My voucher is about to expire but I can't see any sessions i can make?
The first thing to know is, you do not need to attend a session before your voucher expiry date, you simply need to have booked your session. To put it simply, if your voucher expires on the 30th of April, you can still book a session in June, provided you make your booking before the 30th of April. On occasion, we do have customers with vouchers at the end of the season that will expire before we start activities again. Where possible, we will work with you to extend vouchers when we can. If you would like to discuss a voucher that's expiring soon, please don't hesitate to email.
Get in touch now to discuss!
Buying as a gift? Why not get one of our Activity Vouchers?